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"When I first decided my main goal was to promote unconditional love for all, I realized this phrasing still put energy into the conditions we place on love. This led me to look for a word implying the positive meaning, and I found it in 'absolute.' Thus, Absolute Love Publishing was born. Our logo is an infinity symbol joined by two hearts, to demonstrate our oneness and the love that always joins us."


~ Founder Caroline A. Shearer



Our mission is to create and publish projects promoting goodness in the world.

Absolute Love Publishing and its imprint Spirited Press offer non-fiction and fiction books to change your life, in categories such as self-help; body, mind, & spirit; spiritual; mysteries, inspirational, law of attraction; women's studies; New Thought; and metaphysical.


Our books are available in traditional format, such as paperback, and in electronic format, such as for Nook, Kindle, iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, PC, and Mac, in the U.S. and worldwide. Electronic versions of our books are available from Amazon and B& Absolute Love Publishing also owns and the trademark, min-e-book™. A min-e-book™ is a shorter-style e-book designed for a quick read.


Who Do We Publish?
We have published internationally-renowned and Billboard-topping musicians, Olympic athletes, prominent media professionals and authors, inspirational and visionary figures, innovative change-makers, spiritual leaders, and more. Read about our authors and contributors.

Who Are We?
Absolute Love Publishing is located in Austin, Texas, USA. Visit the Get to Know Us page to learn more.


What's the difference between Absolute Love Publishing and Spirited Press?

Absolute Love Publishing is in essence a traditional publisher. We create or commission projects, such as for our anthologies, and do accept limited submissions for consideration for book publishing. We are extremely selective with ALP, and books must have messages that align with our mission. Royalties and book contracts generally are similar to those of other traditional platforms.

Spirited Press is an imprint that operates under Absolute Love Publishing.

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