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Radio Interview with Barbara Joye on “Raise Your Vibration: Tips & Tools for a High Frequency Life”

“When we raise our vibration, we have a happier, smoother life and easier life lessons,” said bestselling author Caroline A. Shearer when discussing her min-e-book™, “Raise Your Vibration: Tips & Tools for a High Frequency Life.” She says our everyday lives are affected by our thoughts and actions and it is possible to change the level of vibrational activity that we operate on by ourselves, every day. “Everything is energy and we want to increase the positive vibration in our life and decrease the negative vibration in our life.”

On the nationally syndicated radio show, “The Angelic Realm” with “The Shift Guru” Barbara Joye, Shearer was invited to speak about her new book “Raise Your Vibration: Tips & Tools for a High Frequency Life.” She says, “This will be different for everybody, such as to communicate with their angels or guides or bring in positive energy. It is a wonderful process we can continually work on, and this book introduces people to the idea of how to increase the good and decrease the negative process of this.”

“Raise Your Vibration: Tips & Tools for a High Frequency Life” is a brief read that gives tips, ideas, and affirmations for living in a higher frequency. The min-e-book™ focuses on helping bring to our awareness what may be causing us to live at lower frequencies. It then offers guidance on how to improve the behavior, increasing life quality and vibration.

“Raise Your Vibration: Tips & Tools for a High Frequency Life” was created through Absolute Love Publishing. Shearer says, “It was time for more people to understand this philosophy, that everything is a vibration.” Raising our everyday vibrations is important to our daily health and improves our overall life quality, Shearer says. She encourages everyone to raise their vibrations today!

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