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Janet Ong for Women Will Save the World

Janet Ong endorses Women Will Save the World:

"Women Will Save the World is an insightful and inspiring read. I love how the stories used to illustrate feminine traits were woven together to show how women have and continue to shape our world for the better. The individual stories of these women help us see that our life's challenges and lessons are the answer to our life's purpose. The 'I am' affirmations for the feminine traits help us internalize that we are those affirmations," said Ong.

"Women tend to be self-critical, keeping them from seeing and experiencing their magnificence. The message in Women Will Save the World helps women embrace all of who they are, their good and self-perceived bad sides. Once we are able to embrace, accept, and love all of who we are, our feminine grace and life's purpose will shine healing light out into the world."

Janet Ong is a relationship coach for successful women. By sidestepping conventional relationship techniques and focusing on inner reflection, she has transformed her love life and is dedicated to helping others do the same. She has a vision for all successful women: "to create true love with ease and clarity."

To learn more about “Women Will Save theWorld,” visit the Absolute Love Publishing website, and also see our list of book projects, such as “Love Like God: Embracing Unconditional Love.”

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