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Author Marketing: Is Assisted Self-Publishing Your Next Greatest Adventure?

People writing books are skilled in different areas. Some are experts in their field, and others consider the writing to be their passion. In order to create a bestselling book, it takes a high level of skill in three areas: expertise, writing, and marketing.

If you're trying to make a book, chances are you have muscle in one of the three areas. You might even be strong in two of them. But, very few people are heavy-lifters in all three categories. But worry not! Spirited Press can help!

Assisted self-publishing is the "Choose Your Own Adventure" genre of the publishing industry. Traditional publishers expect you to take a backseat on the decision-making. They will handle the mechanics of getting the book to print -- editing and book design -- but you will still be on your own when it comes time to do the selling. These days publishers are spending very little money on marketing and authors are expected to do all of the gruntwork.

Should you choose to self-publish with help, you keep yourself in the driver's seat. You will need to put up money upfront, but where you go on your adventure remains entirely up to you. If you find yourself needing help with the material of the book, a writing coach can help. You can choose editing and proofreading that meets your needs, a la carte style. And there are services available for book cover design and marketing. There is no need to take on too much by yourself.

Furthermore, you might end up making more money on sales of your book, as the royalty rates of assisted self-publishers are much higher than those of the traditional companies. That means more money in your pocket to fund your next adventure!

To learn more about assisted self-publishing, visit Spirited Press.

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