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Feminine Strength Will Save the World

How Will Women Save the World?

Let us count the ways ...

* This blog is part of Absolute Love Publishing's ongoing series celebrating Women's History Month and the book that honors women everywhere, "Women Will Save the World."


Mary Ellen Ciganovich

“I knew I could do anything I put my mind to doing.”

Mary Ellen Ciganovich is an educator, author, and inspirational speaker. As a child she was diagnosed with epilepsy and later, as an adult, with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). All through her life, it always seemed as though there was someone telling her what she could not do because of her illnesses, first her mother and then the National MS Society.

In the book, “Women Will Save the World,” she shares the struggles she dealt with trying to be “normal.” They proved to be lessons in taking control of her life and they made her a stronger woman. She saves the world by raising awareness through her words, both written and spoken. Last fall, we interviewed Mary Ellen about her essay in “Women Will Save the World,” and her own book, “Healing Words, Life Lessons to Inspire.”

More recently, we caught up with her to see what she’s been doing lately. It turns out she has been part of more than a few projects this year.

In the Chattanooga area, she has spoken to

-- Church groups about “Awareness of the Self”

-- Schools on “Attitude,” and

-- Ladies Lunch groups on “Health and Healing”

She was featured on radio shows such as

-- Winning Life Through Pain with Coach Marla

-- Efit Family Radio

-- Conversations Live Radio with Cyrus Webb

-- Woman 4 Woman Radio

She wrote several articles for online websites and papers including

-- Double Diagnosis: How to Cope with Epilepsy and MS

-- How Awareness Creates Miracles

-- What's Right with our Schools, for the Chattanooga Times Free Press

-- Interval Training Strengthens Your Heart

-- Healthy Wealthy and Wise: Creating and Keeping the Life You Desire

She was also selected to

-- Write a portion of Roy Sheppard's new book, "Dear Daughter, What I Wish I'd Known at Your Age" (expected publication July 7, 2013)

-- Be on the Advisory Board of the new online magazine, "The Wellness Journey," scheduled to premiere in June. She will also be writing the Spirituality column for the magazine based on her book, "Healing Words, Life Lessons to Inspire."

On top of all this, she works out every day to keep her epilepsy and Multiple Sclerosis in balance. She also has clients she works with each week who keep her especially busy.

ALP: Wow, Mary Ellen! You've been quite the busy lady! Your words are so inspiring to others. Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Mary Ellen: “When I taught middle school, I always taught my students that they should do what they love to do and worry about the money secondary. I tried to impress upon them the fact that they should leave this wonderful world of ours just a little bit better than when they were born. I have to live what I teach. I post a 'Truth of the Day' on Facebook every day and then I explain the Truth. I cannot write these Truths, or teach them to clients or the groups I speak to, if I do not live them myself. I do what I do to make the world a little bit better, a little bit more peaceful, and a little bit more beautiful for my having lived and given back.”

For more essays and insights on feminine Strength – and all of the other characteristics helping women to save the world – get your copy of “Women Will Save the World” by Caroline A. Shearer. And be sure to check in to the ALP Blog as we continue to post more updates, profiles, and inspirational quotes in honor of Women’s History Month!

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