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Mother Teresa Saves the World

"The woman is the heart of the home. Let us pray that we women realize the reason of our existence to love and be loved and through this love become instruments of peace in the world." -- Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa of Calcutta, also known as the Angel of Mercy and the Saint of the Gutter, is an iconic figure famous for her compassionate and nurturing nature, which she demonstrated through her lifelong service to the poor. -- "Women Will Save the World"

Many of us are probably more familiar with Mother Teresa's work, rather than her words. She was an inspiring lady all around, and she did A LOT to save the world! At just 18, she committed to a lifetime of service to God. She helped the poorest in India by living among them and caring intimately for them. She inspired 4,000 Charity Sisters to perform similar acts in 123 countries around the world! When she died in 1997, the Church moved quickly to canonize her as a saint. She was beatified before a crowd of several hundred thousand people, and the day she died is considered a public holiday in Albania.

She was awarded the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize in 1971 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, along with numerous awards and recognitions from all around the world. The world, in fact, is a much better place for having had her in it.

To learn more about inspirational women - both past and present - order your copy of "Women Will Save the World" by Caroline A. Shearer!

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