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Author Marketing: Discover the 'Secrets of Getting Published Now'

“What it comes down to, if you’re taking a long time to finish a book. It’s not because you don’t have the time or the inspiration. It’s because you’re afraid. You’ve got to get over being afraid.” – Caroline A. Shearer

Last Friday, ALP founder and bestselling author Caroline A. Shearer and ALP editor Sarah Hackley joined Sharyn Abbott and Dave Daley on their blogtalk radio show "Secrets of Getting Published Now." Caroline was inspiring as usual, as she explained how ALP's assisted self-publishing imprint, Spirited Press, operates.

"Everyone has their own little place [in the process of self-publishing] where they might get stuck. It's all different for everybody. But the more we can learn and the more we can share with each other, the easier it is for us to get beyond those little blips that hold us back. Then we can move forward and do what we want to do."

Sarah described the feeling of authors who find themselves "stuck" early on. "Maybe they knew how to begin, but they got mired in the details, or their enthusiasm has waned. That's the point when coaching services can be of help."

Caroline and Sarah also discussed:

- Benefits of assisted self-publishing every author should consider,

- How authors can maximize their income,

- Why entrepreneurs should publish a book, and

- The #1 thing new authors need to know!

Get nothing but the best advice. Listen to the full interview now!

Sharyn Abbott is a speaker, author, trainer, and "all around networking aficionado." Her credentials include a lifetime of entrepreneurial success, in addition to an extensive business consulting background in both entrepreneurial and corporate environments.

Spirited Press is an assisted self-publishing platform that operates under the umbrella of Absolute Love Publishing. Spirited Press is currently accepting submissions from authors who have a positive message to share with the world. Author services are available in the areas of coaching, editing, marketing, and design.

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