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Announcing a new book from Absolute Love Publishing! THE WEIGHT LOSS SHIFT: Be More, Weigh Less

Would you like to love your body at any weight? Would you like to filter through others’ body expectations to discover your own? Would you like to live at your ideal weight naturally, effortlessly, and happily?

Of course, you would! And, this is why we have published “The Weight Loss Shift: Be More, Weigh Less” by Michelle Hastie, a weight loss coach with a background in personal training, food psychology, neuro-linguistic programming, and yoga. (She was also one of our featured women in Women Will Save the World!) Michelle has been blessed with the gift of transforming lives, one body at a time, and we are so happy to help her reach a new audience with this book.

Based on science, psychology, and spirituality, “The Weight Loss Shift” helps you discover your ideal way of being and then helps you transform to living a life free from worry about weight – forever!

In other words: you will lose weight permanently and effortlessly. Not with diets or fad exercises or gimmicks -- but with love! Absolute love, yes?

“I want to live in a society where people truly have love for their bodies, no matter what shape or size,” said Hastie, “and in order to make this dream a reality, we have to start with the power of the truth. And, the truth is ... diets will never accomplish this.”

Michelle decided to write “The Weight Loss Shift” after seeing the struggles of her own weight loss coaching clients. “I was tired of watching dieters suffer and struggle in their bodies with traditional weight loss methods,” she said.

Her own experiences taught her it could be different – and better, easier. “Losing weight had been such a battle for me, and then, suddenly, it wasn’t. Deep down I knew I wasn’t special or unique in this way and that any dieter could shift from struggling to effortlessness.”

Hastie shares her own journey and shows readers how to make this effortless shift in “The Weight Loss Shift: Be More, Weigh Less.” Buy a copy today from Amazon or B&N!

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