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Elevating the World through Women of Achievement

While Women’s History Month may be drawing to a close, it’s important to reflect on the knowledge that the making of history is an ongoing, daily action. What today’s women accomplish – whether in the world, in their businesses, or in their homes – becomes the history of tomorrow, the launching pad for all the history that is to come. And it is because of this creation-in-action that one of the greatest ways we can save the world tomorrow is to elevate the women of today.

Enter Kylie Bartlett of the Women of Achievement events in Australia. Kylie's mission is to elevate women through her remarkable events and outreach, and she discovered us through one of our books, Women Will Save the World. I described the divine timing moment as viewing “how the universe puts things together for us in just the right way and in just the right time.”

The result of our connection was that every attendee at the most recent Women of Achievement event received a copy of Women Will Save the World! These dynamic and energetic women also received bonus gifts from several of the book's contributors: Elizabeth Harper, Michelle Hastie, Katie McCorkle, Katie Neligan, and more!

It was very exciting to know that this substantial group of women in Australia would be reading the pages of a project so dear to our hearts. And knowing that the universal experiences we share as women will continue to drive and encourage and challenge us to do our best to save the world, in each moment, in every day.

Here are some of the fun pictures from the event, with a wish for more intercontinental inspiration!

Join Women of Achievement, from anywhere in the world!

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